Thursday, December 2, 2010

A lavorare!

Idea: visto che non hanno una beneamata minchia da fare per 12 giorni io avrei alcune attività nelle quali coinvolgerli:
  1. Ricostruire gli argini distrutti dalle recenti alluvioni (grazie per l'ispirazione Sarcasmo)
  2. Assistere alla mensa della Caritas, che ce ne sarà bisogno se continuano ad andar male i Btp (grazie a Nonchocapitonientemasocheèunacosabrutta e a Cinismo)
  3. Ripulire dal fango l'immagine dell'Italia all'estero (grazie alla sempre mitica Figuradimerda)
  4. Ricostruire Pompei. Molecola dopo molecola (grazie al Gladiatoresenzacasa e alla solita Figuradimerdainternazionale)
  5. Fare da scudi umani per magistrati, scrittori e pentiti (grazie per la segnalazione a Sperarenonnuoce)
  6. Fare da cartaigienica nelle scuole pubbliche e da pappagallo negli ospedali pubblici (ringrazio Epoisfottevamolamerica)
  7. Offrirsi in pasto a tutte le nuove famiglie appena scese sotto la soglia di povertà (ringrazio Avrebberounorribilesaporedimerda)
  8. Spalare merda di elefanti circensi (grazie per l'idea Capa)

Per chi non lo avesse intuito questa è la peggiore notizia che avrebbero potuto darmi: una nazione dove si muore di fame e la sua casta che si regala 10 giorni di vacanza per poi ricominciare a giocare a chi ce l'ha più lungo.
Ho praticamente superato la soglia dell'indignazione.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

SOLVED: Avant-Window-Navigator Stacks Applets not working under Python 3

So, all of a sudden my AWN Stacks applet stop working... right after the switch to Python 3 (blame on you Arch Linux!!!).


... I traced the issue back to its origin so there is a way (as of today quite a dirty one) to solve it:

$ gedit /usr/share/avant-window-navigator/applets/stacks/
(You may need to sudo it)

Find line 271, comment it and change it to:
pixbuf = IconFactory().scale_to_bounded(pixbuf, 1 * size)
(or to pixbuf = IconFactory().scale_to_bounded(pixbuf, size) if you're not a Captain Obvious fan)

Save and exit.

Restart AWN.


I'm on a Phacochoerus africanus.

Fatti. Non...

Nelle ultime settimane le giocate del Superenalotto erano calate.

L'ultima vincita non è "rintracciabile" perchè
nessuno ne possiede la "madre", conservata nella sede centrale di Sisal

 A casa mia è da un po di tempo che "2+2" continua a fare quattro.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

La migliore. Punto.

Cinquantamila chierichetti a Roma per Ratzinger. I Papa-toys. [konti]
via Spinoza

Friday, July 30, 2010

git update-to

Reading this very useful GIT guide I thought of a possible addition to my GIT aliases set.
On my archlinux box git update-to origin mybranch is currently an alias for git pull --rebase origin mybranch.
It pulls with rebase instead of merge, thus avoiding many unnecessary commits in your history.
NB: It rebases to the branch the command is issued in!

Command to save the alias in your ".gitconfig":
git config --global alias.update-to pull --rebase

Final notes:
When rebasing fails with conflicts is often a good idea to simply merge (with "git pull origin master", for example): no "history-uncluttering" is this much valuable when conflicts-resolving steps in...

Friday, July 23, 2010

UX - Communicating features and improvements

iBooks - What's New In Version 1.1.1
- Double-tap an image within a book to view it in greater detail.
- Experience books that include audio and video.
- Enjoy substantial performance improvements when reading PDFs.
- Look-up definitions to English words inside books without a specified language.  [...]
I did a little bit of digging on the AppStore and it seems this is not an unusual way of presenting release notes.
I must say that I really appreciate this "challenge-the-user" approach.

As a developer that used to think of release notes as as impersonal as they can be conceived this way of presenting them intrigues me quite a bit.
Maybe it's only the audience of the RN that changes (mine is often composed of techies and/or product managers). Maybe not.

One thing I found interesting is that even this minor details contribute to the user experience in a not negligible way.

Friday, July 16, 2010

GIT Tip: Delete a Remote Branch

In GIT, when you're done with a remote branch you can*:
git push origin :mybranchname

* "can" doesn't mean "must" or "have to", you know...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It is usually regarded as incorrect to talk of pre-arranged events occurring or happening: "the wedding took place (not occurred or happened) in the afternoon" (
Great dictionary for both English learners and native-speakers.
(I'm debating with colleagues whether the term "native-speakers" is correct)

Friday, June 11, 2010

git discard

Here's today treasure: "git config --global alias.discard checkout --"
(Also on twitter

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quello che stanno facendo contro emergency è ignobile. E ci ricorda che non è solo l'italia ad avere grossi problemi di Libertà.

Se volete mettete una firma qui.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

PHP really can't be trusted...

That's why I strongly discourage using PHP:
[5 Jun 2003 7:38am UTC]

We can't fix every library out there that isn't thread-safe, so either don't compile PHP with such extensions that use those libraries or run Apache2 with non-threaded MPM.

Safest bet is to use Apache 1.3.27 anyway..

Tell me about washing your hands as Pilate did...

Monday, January 18, 2010

How to find RedHat version from command line

cat /etc/redhat-release

Three interesting applications

Trac, Redmine and Retrospectiva are three Issue Trackers/Project Management applications sharing similar features and a killer one in particular: painless Subversion integration.
Which one would you choose (or you already chose) for your team?

Firmate grazie

Leggete questo post e poi firmate questa petizione, grazie:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The "Random thoughts" series - Thought #1

From idea to working (hopefully) implementation:
1. Blow your original idea to pieces
2. Choose a sub-set of those pieces that, once implemented, will grant you a working sub-set of your original idea
3. Implement this sub-set
4. Add one of the remaining pieces to the implementation
5. GOTO (4) UNTIL (no pieces remaining)